Results for 'Carla Beatris Valentini'

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  1.  89
    Desafios para a inclusão de estudantes com deficiências físicas: uma revisão de literatura. [REVIEW]Cláudia Alquati Bisol, Carla Beatris Valentini, Rafaella Ghidini Stangherlin & Priscila Paolla Peyrot Bassani - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (3):601-619.
    Observa-se, no Brasil, um movimento significativo para consolidação de escolas inclusivas em que estudantes com deficiência possam encontrar efetivas possibilidades de aprendizagem. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura realizada com o objetivo de identificar, em artigos nacionais, os principais desafios à inclusão de estudantes com deficiência física em escolas comuns. Para situar a análise, uma discussão introdutória a respeito do conceito de deficiência física permite compreendê-lo como uma construção influenciada pelo paradigma ou modelo de deficiência. A revisão de literatura (...)
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    Convivência Entre Uma Professora e Seus Estudantes Do Ensino Fundamental: Uma Narrativa Cartográfica.Graziela Rossetto Giron, Eliana Maria Sacramento Soares & Carla Beatris Valentini - 2024 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 28:023032-023032.
    Apresentamos uma experiência de convivência entre uma professora e seus estudantes atuando em parceria e legitimidade, na qual a aprendizagem emerge a partir de um fluir de coordenações de ações recursivas. O texto se constitui como uma narrativa cartográfica que “mapeia” o fluir das ações e dos movimentos relacionados à convivência. Para explicar as experiências vivenciadas foi feito o uso da Teoria da Biologia do Conhecer, proposta por Humberto Maturana e por Francisco Varela, em especial os conceitos de convivência, de (...)
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    Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation.Colin Aitken, Amalia Amaya, Kevin D. Ashley, Carla Bagnoli, Giorgio Bongiovanni, Bartosz Brożek, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Samuele Chilovi, Marcello Di Bello, Jaap Hage, Kenneth Einar Himma, Lewis A. Kornhauser, Emiliano Lorini, Fabrizio Macagno, Andrei Marmor, J. J. Moreso, Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Burkhard Schafer, Chiara Valentini, Bart Verheij, Douglas Walton & Wojciech Załuski (eds.) - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    This handbook offers a deep analysis of the main forms of legal reasoning and argumentation from both a logical-philosophical and legal perspective. These forms are covered in an exhaustive and critical fashion, and the handbook accordingly divides in three parts: the first one introduces and discusses the basic concepts of practical reasoning. The second one discusses the main general forms of reasoning and argumentation relevant for legal discourse. The third one looks at their application in law as well as at (...)
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  4. A Scoping Review of Flow Research.Corinna Peifer, Gina Wolters, László Harmat, Jean Heutte, Jasmine Tan, Teresa Freire, Dionísia Tavares, Carla Fonte, Frans Orsted Andersen, Jef van den Hout, Milija Šimleša, Linda Pola, Lucia Ceja & Stefano Triberti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Flow is a gratifying state of deep involvement and absorption that individuals report when facing a challenging activity and they perceive adequate abilities to cope with it. The flow concept was introduced by Csikszentmihalyi in 1975, and interest in flow research is growing. However, to our best knowledge, no scoping review exists that takes a systematic look at studies on flow which were published between the years 2000 and 2016. Overall, 252 studies have been included in this review. Our review (...)
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    A new food security approach? Continuity and novelty in the European Union’s turn to preparedness.Luigi Pellizzoni, Laura Centemeri, Maura Benegiamo & Carla Panico - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    Preparedness is an anticipatory approach developed in the military and health sectors in response to unforeseen and unforeseeable crises and emergencies. It has recently entered the debate over the resilience and sustainability of European food systems. The paper seeks to shed light on the implications of the European Union's adoption of preparedness in its food security policy, particularly focusing on the preparatory phase and the early activity the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism (EFSCM), a consultative body launched (...)
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    Nurses’ care practices at the end of life in intensive care units in Bahrain.Catherine S. O’Neill, Maryam Yaqoob, Sumaya Faraj & Carla L. O’Neill - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (8):950-961.
    Background: The process of dying in intensive care units is complex as the technological environment shapes clinical decisions. Decisions at the end of life require the involvement of patient, families and healthcare professionals. The degree of involvement can vary depending on the professional and social culture of the unit. Nurses have an important role to play in caring for dying patients and their families; however, their knowledge is not always sought. Objectives: This study explored nurses’ care practices at the end (...)
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  7.  14
    Learning My Way: A Pilot Study of Navigation Skills in Cerebral Palsy in Immersive Virtual Reality.Emilia Biffi, Chiara Gagliardi, Cristina Maghini, Chiara Genova, Daniele Panzeri, Davide Felice Redaelli & Anna Carla Turconi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Purpose:Human navigation skills are essential for everyday life and rely on several cognitive abilities, among which visual-spatial competences that are impaired in subjects with cerebral palsy. In this work, we proposed navigation tasks in immersive virtual reality to 15 children with CP and 13 typically developing peers in order to assess the individual navigation strategies and their modifiability in a situation resembling real life.Methods:We developed and adapted to IVR an application based on a 5-way maze in a playground that was (...)
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    Serão as Fake News informações?Valdirene Aparecida Pascoal, Janaína Fernandes Guimarães Polonini & Carla Conforto de Oliveira - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (1):21-43.
    O contexto informativo está ameaçado pela ampla difusão e acesso de fake news – conteúdos falsos, que utilizam de características de notícias provenientes do jornalismo, para que os indivíduos que as recebam, acreditem que possuem cunho verídico, levando o leitor ao erro, devido sua má intencionalidade. Diante disso surge a questão: em que medida poderia uma fake news ser considerada informativa? Expõe-se neste artigo, planos da informação, que concentram algumas das principais teorias da informação. O artigo realizou uma pesquisa descritiva (...)
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  9.  22
    A educação humanista para o ensino jurídico.Lana Lisiêr de Lima Palmeira, Tobyas Maia de Albuquerque Mariz & Carla Priscilla Barbosa Santos Cordeiro - 2022 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):175-203.
    Este estudo buscou analisar como os currículos se originaram, estabelecendo como ponto de partida a tradição romana e sua arqueologia do saber jurídico, para, em seguida, adentrar nas reflexões em torno da ciência e da técnica na modernidade, desnudando aspectos valiosos a fim de se (re)pensar uma pauta humanista nessa seara. Como opção teórico-metodológica, adotou-se a abordagem de natureza qualitativa, com ênfase na revisão de literatura. Como resultado, ficou evidente a necessidade concreta de um modelo de educação jurídica que possa (...)
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    Efficient projection algorithms onto the weighted ℓ1 ball.Guillaume Perez, Sebastian Ament, Carla Gomes & Michel Barlaud - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 306 (C):103683.
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    Gruß und Glückwunsch zu Wolfgang Jankes 85. Geburtstag.Jacinto Rivera de Rosales Chacon, Carla de Pascale, Marco Ivaldo, Jakub Kloc-Konkołowicz, Christoph Asmuth & Christoph Binkelmann - 2014 - Fichte-Studien 41:7-8.
  12. (1 other version)On the apparent paradox of ideal theory.Laura Valentini - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (3):332-355.
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  13. Pilot-wave theory: many worlds in denial?Antony Valentini - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  14.  32
    Signal-locality and subquantum information in deterministic hidden-variables theories.Antony Valentini - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 81--103.
  15. Galileo's use of medieval thought experiments.Carla Rita Palmerino - 2011 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.), Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Brill.
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  16. “Responsibility for Action”.Carla Bagnoli - 2010 - Paradigmi 27 (1):75-86.
  17.  15
    I luoghi e gli altri: la cura dell'abitare.Carla Danani (ed.) - 2016 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    Magic Syncretism in the Late Antiquity: Some Examples from Papyri and Magical Gems.Carla Sfameni - 2001 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 6:183.
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    Em busca da experiência mundana e seus significados: Georg Simmel, Alfred Schutz e a antropologia.Carla Costa Teixeira (ed.) - 2000 - Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará.
  20. La Iglesia de América Latina ante la Conferencia de Aparecida: Ver-juzgar-actuar.Demétrio Valentini - 2007 - Critica 57 (947):11-14.
  21.  6
    Soluzioni hegeliane.Francesco Valentini - 2001 - Milano: Guerini e associati.
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  22. Pilot-wave theory: many worlds in denial?Antony Valentini - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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    The influence of democratic racism in nursing inquiry.Carla T. Hilario, Annette J. Browne & Alysha McFadden - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (1):e12213.
    Neoliberal ideology and exclusionary policies based on racialized identities characterize the current contexts in North America and Western Europe. Nursing knowledge cannot be abstracted from social, political and historical contexts; the task of examining the influence of race and racial ideologies on disciplinary knowledge and inquiry therefore remains an important task. Contemporary analyses of the role and responsibility of the discipline in addressing race‐based health and social inequities as a focus of nursing inquiry remain underdeveloped. In this article, we examine (...)
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  24. On the Distinctive Procedural Wrong of Colonialism.Laura Valentini - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 43 (4):312-331.
  25.  21
    Onlife Extremism: Dynamic Integration of Digital and Physical Spaces in Radicalization.Daniele Valentini, Anna Maria Lorusso & Achim Stephan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  26.  54
    Every countably presented formal topology is spatial, classically.Silvio Valentini - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (2):491-500.
    By using some classical reasoning we show that any countably presented formal topology, namely, a formal topology with a countable axiom set, is spatial.
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  27.  86
    Justice in a Globalized World: A Normative Framework.Laura Maria Matilde Valentini - 2011 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Are wealthy countries' duties towards developing countries grounded in justice or in weaker concerns of charity? Justice in a Globalized World offers both an in-depth critique of the most prominent philosophical answers to this question, and a distinctive approach for addressing it.
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  28. Human Rights, Freedom, and Political Authority.Laura Valentini - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (5):573-601.
    In this article, I sketch a Kant-inspired liberal account of human rights: the freedom-centred view. This account conceptualizes human rights as entitlements that any political authority—any state in the first instance—must secure to qualify as a guarantor of its subjects' innate right to freedom. On this picture, when a state (or state-like institution) protects human rights, it reasonably qualifies as a moral agent to be treated with respect. By contrast, when a state (or state-like institution) fails to protect human rights, (...)
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  29.  27
    Beyond the Born Rule in Quantum Gravity.Antony Valentini - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-36.
    We have recently developed a new understanding of probability in quantum gravity. In this paper we provide an overview of this new approach and its implications. Adopting the de Broglie–Bohm pilot-wave formulation of quantum physics, we argue that there is no Born rule at the fundamental level of quantum gravity with a non-normalisable Wheeler–DeWitt wave functional \(\Psi\). Instead the universe is in a perpetual state of quantum nonequilibrium with a probability density \(P\ne \left| \Psi \right| ^{2}\). Dynamical relaxation to the (...)
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  30. Email: A. valentini@ ic. ac. uk.Antony Valentini - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 81.
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    L'umano tra cura e misura: promuovere, condividere, restituire.Carla Danani (ed.) - 2015 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    La filosofia del diritto contemporanea: i temi e le sfide.Carla Faralli - 2002 - Roma: GLF Editori Laterza.
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    Terrae incognitae: modos de pensar y mapear geografías desconocidas.Carla Lois - 2018 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Eudeba.
  34. Ethical leadership in a global world, a roadmap to the book.Carla Millar & Eve Poole - 2010 - In Carla Millar & Eve Poole (eds.), Ethical leadership: global challenges and perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  35. Global ethical leadership and the future.Carla Millar & Eve Poole - 2010 - In Carla Millar & Eve Poole (eds.), Ethical leadership: global challenges and perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    (1 other version)Republicanism: An Unattractive Version of Liberalism.Carla Saenz - 2008 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 7 (2):267-285.
    Philip Pettit is the most important contemporany advocate of the republican tradition in political philosophy. He advances a concept of freedom as non-domination, and constrasts it with the liberal conception of freedom as non-interference. He claims that two features distinguish domination from interference: The capacity of interference , and the fact that the interference is arbitrary. I shall argue that Pettit´s republicanism is not sufficiently differente from liberalism, certainly not from John Rawls´s liberalism. The only relevant difference between republicanism and (...)
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    A legitimidade dos atos de desobediência civil do movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem Terra sob O enfoque da teoria de Hannah Arendt.Carla Simone Silva - 2013 - Synesis 5 (1).
    Nesse trabalho será analisado o tratamento teórico apresentado por Hannah Arendt sobre o tema da desobediência civil em sua obra Crises da República, traçando um paralelo com as práticas do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra no que tange à legitimidade dos seus atos de desobediência civil. Sob esse enfoque a luta pelo acesso a terra se apresenta como uma possibilidade de que seus integrantes integrem-se em comunidade fundando um espaço público e desenvolvendo sua capacidade de ação política, característica essencial da (...)
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  38. Momenti del confronto con Kant nella "Scienza della logica" di Hegel.Francesco Valentini - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):492-540.
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  39. "Moments of conflict with Kant in Hegel's" the science of logic".Francesco Valentini - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):492 - +.
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  40. Change in view: sensitivity to facts in prospective rationality.Carla Bagnoli - 2013 - In Giancarlo Marchetti, Hilary Putnam, Donald Davidson, Sharyn Clough & Ruth Anna Putnam (eds.), La contingenza dei fatti e l'oggettivita dei valori. Sesto San Giovanni, Milano: Mimesis. pp. 137-158.
    Rational agents often make progress by revisiting their previous judgments about what to believe and what to do. In fact, practical reasoning in general may be thought to be a complex activity by which we bring what matters into view. On this construal of practical reasoning, the process of revision takes center stage, and it often includes (even though it is not limited to) rethinking and re-describing the facts of the matter. Sensitivity to facts is thus an important aspect of (...)
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  41.  66
    Introduction.Carla Bagnoli - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):311-316.
    This volume collects articles in realism, anti-realism, and constructivism.
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  42. Equal Standing and Proper Reliance on Others.Carla Bagnoli - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):821-425.
    According to a traditional account, moral cognition is an achievement gained over time by sharing a practice under the guidance and the example of the wise, in analogy with craft and apprenticeship. This model captures an important feature of practical reason, that is, its incompleteness, and highlights our dependence on others in obtaining moral knowledge, coherently with the socially extended mind agenda and recent findings in empirical psychology. Insofar as it accords to exemplars decisive authority to determine the standard of (...)
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  43. Ideal vs. Non-ideal Theory: A Conceptual Map.Laura Valentini - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (9):654–664.
    This article provides a conceptual map of the debate on ideal and non‐ideal theory. It argues that this debate encompasses a number of different questions, which have not been kept sufficiently separate in the literature. In particular, the article distinguishes between the following three interpretations of the ‘ideal vs. non‐ideal theory’ contrast: (i) full compliance vs. partial compliance theory; (ii) utopian vs. realistic theory; (iii) end‐state vs. transitional theory. The article advances critical reflections on each of these sub‐debates, and highlights (...)
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  44. Coercion and Justice.Laura Valentini - 2011 - American Political Science Review 105 (1):205-220.
    In this article, I develop a new account of the liberal view that principles of justice are meant to justify state coercion, and consider its implications for the question of global socioeconomic justice. Although contemporary proponents of this view deny that principles of socioeconomic justice apply globally, on my newly developed account this conclusion is mistaken. I distinguish between two types of coercion, systemic and interactional, and argue that a plausible theory of global justice should contain principles justifying both. The (...)
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  45. Assessing the global order: justice, legitimacy, or political justice?Laura Valentini - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (5):593-612.
    Which standards should we employ to evaluate the global order? Should they be standards of justice or standards of legitimacy? In this article, I argue that liberal political theorists need not face this dilemma, because liberal justice and legitimacy are not distinct values. Rather, they indicate what the same value, i.e. equal respect for persons, demands of institutions under different sets of circumstances. I suggest that under real-world circumstances – characterized by conflicts and disagreements – equal respect demands basic-rights protection (...)
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    Human rights and discourse theory: some critical remarks.Laura Valentini - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (6):674-680.
  47. Humanitarian Intervention as a Perfect Duty. A Kantian Argument".Carla Bagnoli - 2005 - Nomos 47:117-148.
  48.  53
    An elementary proof of strong normalization for intersection types.Valentini Silvio - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (7):475-488.
    We provide a new and elementary proof of strong normalization for the lambda calculus of intersection types. It uses no strong method, like for instance Tait-Girard reducibility predicates, but just simple induction on type complexity and derivation length and thus it is obviously formalizable within first order arithmetic. To obtain this result, we introduce a new system for intersection types whose rules are directly inspired by the reduction relation. Finally, we show that not only the set of strongly normalizing terms (...)
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  49. Rethinking moral claim rights.Laura Valentini - 2023 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (4):433-451.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  50. Blackburn sulla questione normativa”.Carla Bagnoli - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 30: 8-14.
    Se è un difetto della ragione essere incapaci di adottare certi mezzi, allo stesso modo è un difetto della ragione essere incapaci di adottare certi fini, dicono i kantiani. Secondo Blackburn questa tesi non-strumentalista deve la sua apparente validità ad una fallacia modale. Dal condizionale «Se si adotta il fine X, è necessario adottare il mezzo Y», si deriva il conseguente «Si deve adottare il mezzo Y», ci si interroga sulla natura del modale che occorre nel conseguente, poi si ricostruisce (...)
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